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National Floods England June and July 2007 Freshford Mill Escapes FloodingHowever, with people dying of floods (June 25th 2007) deep concern needs to be expressed for the approval of a development that will need extraordinary measures to protect its inhabitants against flood. These measures include importing rubble to build up the land, even though this is undesirable, as it reduces the land's ability to absorb flood water. BBC News 27th June 2007 The consequences of such flood mitigation measures at Freshford Mill will reflect on the environmental impact of the development and are likely to be most unattractive.. This area of the country escaped the rainfall that other areas have had over this period. In fact the total rainfall at Freshford Mill for June was 102mm which was less rain than we had in May which was 129mm. The current rainfall total for July is a mere 102mm. Fortunately, the tide at Avonmouth was low during the period of our highest rainfall in this area. At the end of the month with the tide becoming much higher with the full moon the risk increases, but fortunately the weather forecast is for better weather. August total rainfall 66mm UK Citizens fight Over Water!Daily Mail http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/dailymail/news/~3/136177824/news.html |
IntroductionThe website has been optimised for Internet Explorer at its most common display resolution of 1024 x 768. Furthermore there are photographs and video files that are best suited to a broadband connection. I make no apology for designing the website to these parameters as the intention is to assert the argument that we live in an extraordinary area of the country and this message is best portrayed by publishing high quality photographs. Most of the photographs are mine. I do not claim that I have by means of my photographs conveyed the magnificence of this countryside, in fact I believe that I have only tried to do so. Perhaps Joe Cornish, a renowned landscape photographer, might be encouraged to visit this area of England and spend some time photographing what we, as residents regard to be countryside of outstanding value, but are unable to fully capture on film. The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural AffairsThe Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA requested that the planning application for redeveloping the site known as Freshford Mill should be 'called-in' for their approval, before a decision is made. Unfortunately, DEFRA has now decided NOT to 'call-in' the planning application, and the BANES Development Control Committee has decided to 'permit'.The Government Office of the South West and "Planning Matters"In fact the decision Not to call in the planning application was NOT made by DEFRA but by the Government Office for the South West. An individual known as A. Citizen wrote about this matter on the website www.lettertothepm.co.uk and there is a correspondence on the article entitled "Planning Matters" published there. A letter written to Freshford residents in June 2000 has information about the Inspector's Report that advises against residential use. Freshford Mill (Peradins) Inspector's ReportAs this particular application has such important national ramifications for the erosion of the Green Belt which in this case is also within an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty and an Area of High Ecological Value we are entitled to know why DEFRA has changed its mind, especially when Freshford Parish Council had provided a long list of very closely reasoned objections to this planning application. (that can be read here) The correspondence on www.lettertothepm.com provides the "official reasons" unsatisfactory, although that may be.Geoff Edwards (resident) NB In spite of having several months to correct an error, by the Ordnance Survey (that the Environment Agency relies on) Freshford Mill is still depicted as being outside of the flood plain. This error in any third World country would be regarded as corruption at the highest level. Make no mistake Freshford Mill and the proposal by Southern & Counties for more than 20 dwellings -that has been approved by BANES planning officers in spite of total opposition from the residents of Freshford and their Parish Council -lies entirely under water in the event of a flood. The residents could only be rescued by boat or helicopter. A thirteen ton fire engine was washed off the road a few hundred yards from Freshford Mill in 2000. Correct DEFRA map here Incorrect DEFRA online maps here Apparently concerns over corruption have been allayed by my research that I am sure both DEFRA and the Ordnance Survey could have resolved if they had the mind to. The full details are discussed on: Freshford Mill OS Maps |
Website Updates (from march 2007) The New Owners |
Our National HeritageSince I was a child I have become aware by regular visits to the countryside with my parents that some parts of our countryside: the most beautiful, romantic, and interesting have been preserved for the nation by the National Trust. Land purchased by the National Trust (NT) is going to be safe for ever.Members of the NT provide the funds that are needed, and there are volunteers who help to maintain areas. When we see real countryside, we are often looking at a NT property or one owned by the Crown, a wealthy or aristocratic landlord or one owned by a large company. Some of our countryside and cityscapes are protected by the establishment of National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Green Belt. In these areas local planning has more control over what residents, business and organisations can do. And there are Conservation Areas that further curtail and control indiscriminate development. Philosophy and Nature is a page of this web site where I have tried to convey my views of our responsibilities, I suppose we could take for granted, or agree, that preserving our physical heritage: structures, landscapes and seascapes is obviously important if not vitally important, but maybe the proposition needs to be set down on paper to reflect upon.Freshford MillFreshford Mill is located on the River Frome in Somerset ten minutes walk from the Inn at Freshford and close to the border with Wiltshire.Freshford is a particularly attractive village within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) the village is about six miles South of the World Heritage City of Bath. The nearest town is Bradford On Avon which is about 3 miles away Geographically, the area consists of hills and three rivers: the Avon, Frome and Midford Brook. The latter is not exactly a brook! it has been known to flood the Old Bath road and a substantial viaduct had to be built over the Midford Brook valley to accommodate the A36. these rivers undoubtedly add considerably to the great charm of the countryside. They have sculpted out the deep valleys over hundreds of thousands of years. As for the roads, apart from the single carriageway A36 all the roads are narrow, steep, and single track. with little, or no provision for passing except by using private driveways. View a recent appraisal of Freshford and Sharpstone Conservation Area by BANES Planning hereView video films of the roads in Freshford hereWhere the River Frome meets the river Avon there is an extensive meadow - a flood plain. The flood plain is an essential feature that helps to contain the regular floods and one must suppose, as there will be more floods in the immediate future, as global warming continues to affect our weather, that the existence of these meadows will be even more important. "Flood plains are called flood plains for a reason - they flood" Bob Spicer Professor of Earth Sciences the Open University and 2007 Lead Academic Consultant on BBC1 "Climate Change - Britain Under Threat", I hour Attenborough programme; contributor to accompanying websites; press interviewsIn fact, the existence of the Freshford Mill site, is itself, a threat to increased flooding elsewhere as the whole site has already been raised above the surrounding land. It would be good sense to remove not only the factory buildings but also the man-made plateau on which the buildings exist. There are also problems in Freshford when there is a cold spell due to snow and ice.The Freshford Mill Works (Peradins) is currently subject to a planning application for 21 dwellings . . . The residents of Freshford and their parish council, and we thought the area council had rejected the application by Southern & Counties (Suttons) Ltd. However, the application has now been approved by the Bath & North East Somerset Planning Service under a recommendation from Area "B" Development Committee. With no information given for its approval other than an underlying agreement that something does need to be done to remove the eyesore! The complete documentation for the application is available at Planning Services using the 'Public Access' service. To search you will need to enter the Application Ref 05/02563/FUL Note: if you include a space the search will fail, you should then be directed to a results page.Freshford Parish Council's comments on the application is dated the 20th September 2005 but a copy is included hereAlternative Plan for Freshford MillThere has been talk that the application was approved because there is no other plan for the development of the site. However, that is not the case as a plan for the redevelopment of the site has been approved by the council: The creation of a rural recreation area, nature sanctuary and workshops in 2005. I understand that this particular plan could not be implemented without the necessary funds to buy the site. Since this eyesore is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) we would have thought that money should be available, since the purpose of this type of legislative instrument is meant to protect parts of the countryside for the benefit of all. As an Area of High Ecological Value with especially rare bats that may not survive the noise and turmoil of the development there is even more reason not to allow this development to go ahead. Penalties for even disturbing bats is severe see: Bat Crime InvestigationsThis is what the situation looks like: entice developers to barter money for environmental cleanup in exchange for planning approval for dwellings? Is this the only way we can have the mistakes of former planning decisions cleaned up? The reality is that the developers, will most likely, recoup their money and more from wealthy people who will buy these dwellings -they won't be welcome here. They will be isolated from the village geographically and socially. Whereas, the Freshford Mill site could be a recreational area for the village and an education centre for the area, this is what the village wants.Our freedom of expression is under attack from the media, using terms such as 'Nimby'. The government has to be wary of accusations of being a 'Nanny State'. We are all subject to mind our words because of the pressure of political correctness. The present government is keen to encourage democracy at the closest most egalitarian level which is the parish council. Each parish council has to write a report which involves a survey to be carried out to find out what we do want and what we don't want for the future of our villages. This rather demanding activity is meant to facilitate appropriate development and improvements.There is inevitably going to be a measure of suspicion aimed at this government directive: especially, where in the case of the Freshford Mill application our local government officers have overruled their earlier decision to reject the application by Southern & Counties (Suttons) Ltd. and have not provided to date 10th March 2007, reasons for their decision. What's the point of carrying out a survey of our concerns when our concerns are ignored at the whim of the local government possibly under pressure from central government! All of this public consultation, whether on environmental issues or health, is a sham. Public views will of course be acknowledged if they coincide with those of the government!The Mill and Factory BuildingsToxic Waste?So does the root of the problem as to why the rejection of the application and then its approval! lie in the necessity to find funding to clean up the site where, I understand, there has been toxic? waste buried by Peradins, apparently not exactly? There is also a substantial amount of material that contains asbestos which is quite expensive to remove due to the necessity to protect workers. Certainly this means that the present or would be owner, as the site is for sale, needs to spend a considerable amount of money and that to be a viable investment there has to be more than 20 dwellings built. They have not been able to sell or lease the site for industrial use, even though it has permission for such use. Further information about the site Council's response to the 2002 Application by SuttonsThere is no doubt that the Freshford Mill site is an awful eyesore at present. It is as if the Development Committee have gone for a solution, that obviously they don't actually approve of, but approval would mean removal of the eyesore and the hazards that the site is alleged to contain. It is only in the removal of the eyesore that the whole village of Freshford approves, I have not met one person who agrees that the Freshford Mill site should be used for housing.The villagers and the wider community are entitled to a report on this about face. However, if Peradins were permitted to bury toxic waste by the local authority in the late 1940's then surely the local authority should foot the bill for cleaning the site up not a private investor. Or if at that time, the local authority were under direction from regional or central government then money should come from them.I did meet the owner or a representative of the owner, by chance, and expressed the opinion that four dwellings on the site would perhaps be more acceptable. I was told that there wouldn't be enough money generated, to clean up the site, if Suttons could only build four dwellings. Not that I want any housing on the site. But I had failed to realise how important the flood risk is. It doesn't make any sense to deliberately build on a flood plain. No one lived at Freshford Mill except for those that lived in an attached cottage (but not in living memory). former Peradins and Freshford Mill site This web site is notable for exploring places that have been forgotten, just like Freshford Mill has been forgotten, this is because Freshford Mill is not suitable for its permitted use. The truth is that SURREY AND COUNTIES ( SUTTON) LIMITED have not been able to sell the property to any business user! Update February 11th 2006 the site has now been placed for sale now they have planning permission for dwellings (the site was eventually sold to YPres Rose Developments in March 2007)FloodingHere is the official rationale from John Prescott's: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister website. Historically, the only building that has taken place in the Frome valley, by the riverside, near Freshford has been the Freshford Mill. Local people are sensible and most vernacular buildings are located in places that are in harmony with the environment. The valley is not only subject to flooding but to mist, it is more likely to be misty in the valley than not. Low lying areas are not healthy areas to live in. These new dwellings will need more fuel to ensure that the people living there are living in comfort. The mist also affects safety on the roads, both for vehicles, and pedestrians.The war time authority made
the mistake of building pillboxes in the flood plain. Here's a photograph
of one taken recently!
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Some, possibly
corrupt, at worst, or ignorant at best, officials approved
the Peridins development in war torn Britain and now we
have to live with that decision. Our national and international
authority (EEC) have absented themselves from this decision.
This means that the site could be legally used for industrial
use. It doesn't say much for the law as an instrument to
protect the environment does it? They agreed to industrial
use. Change of use to residential is another matter. Suttons's
haven't been able to sell the site to an industrial user.
Easy, just set the price too high, this leaves an alternative,
sell the site for residential development. And claim this
is the only alternative. I was told by a representative
of the company that a possible acceptable redevelopment
of the factory site would be to build four houses, but was
told that this would be financially impossible due to the
costs of the extensive cleanup of the ground and removal
of the buildings and all the other infrastructure requirements. Much has been said about sustainability yet here we have an ideal location for a working mill to generate electricity for the local community with a surplus that could be sold to the National Grid. Or will we have to face the imposition of windmills on our hillsides in future? My personal view, which is in sympathy with an already approved planning application presented by the village is that public money should be spent on clearing up the site as the damage was caused by publicly elected authorities in the past. That a proper working mill be incorporated in to the old mill buildings. And that the area should be used for recreation and conservation by locals and visitors. The case for a working mill on the River Frome (Somerset) to generate electricity may be reviewed here: Natural Power? |